To set up a stop motion studio in your home you will need the following:

  1. A camera that connects to your computer (via firewire or usb) OR a camera with a large storage card and a remote control.

  2. A tripod or mounting system to secure the camera so it doesn’t move while you’re shooting

  3. Lights (desk lamps or more professional lighting equipment)

  4. A continuos power source (AC adapter) for your camera. Batteries often run out part way through a shoot and it is impossible to replace them without moving the camera. One way to work around this is to plan short shots and recharge your battery in-between them.

  5. Software for triggering the camera from your computer (disregard if you are working with a remote). First check to see if your camera came with software that allows you to snap pictures from your computer keyboard and save them to a folder on your desktop. If not consider downloading a free trial of Frame Dragon. A list of compatible cameras is available here. Note: The free trial is good for 30 days and allows you to take 50 shots per take. When you reach the limit for a single take, simply start a new one (you can add them together in final cut later).

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Setting up a Stop Motion Studio in Your Home